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Top 10 e-Commerce Trends to Follow in 2017

Top 10 e-Commerce Trends to Follow in 2017

We live in the times of inspiring technologies that make our lives more comfortable every day.

According to the recent statistics, more than 50% of Americans prefer online shopping and over 95% of them have made an online purchase in their life.

What is more, 80% of such actions were made during the last month! Seeing that, it would be useful to figure out more information about 10 the most helpful and important eCommerce trends in 2017.

Are you excited to see this list? Let’s go!

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Mobile Shopping

Needless to say, mobile shopping has already become so popular, as today everyone has their multifunctional cell phones that allow to surf through the web any time you want. For this simple reason, mobile traffic has overtaken desktop on the web!

Do you know that even Google has its new mobile-first index to stay trendy? Naturally, there is nothing surprising in the described situation because using recent gadgets for online shopping is more than just comfortable!

Seeing that, keep in mind that you need to do your best in order to make a brilliant mobile experience for your eCommerce website. What is more, there is a cool trend that becomes more popular every day, called mobile-first design.

To make things easier, mobile-first design is a quick process of site creation for a small screened gadgets and then working up to the bigger desktop version for larger devices. As a result, one has a superb and truly powerful online project that looks and works ideally in the different browsers and on the various devices.

That is why mobile-first design quickly became a feature with fast growing popularity. Would you like to see more pluses of this must-have? Well, just take a closer look at this…

1- Actually, today there are nearly 1.2 billion mobile users.

2- Various mobile applications have been downloaded nearly 11 billion times.

3- In addition, the sales of various mobile devices increase every day and now it is across the board with more than 85 % of recent gadgets that let their owners access the mobile web space in the easiest way!

The rise of mobile payment

To continue the previous point, let’s talk about the mobile payment, as it is another thing that is popular among all online shoppers because of its convenience. With the help of this feature, people can easily pay for the items that they have bought without any contact with sellers and such strategy also saves the time of the shoppers.

Moreover, people additionally use different applications that allow them to do the payment with the help of cell phones.



Chat bots to serve you

As you may know, a lot of popular social networks and applications (for example: WhatsApp, Twitter or Facebook that today has about 11 thousands of chat bots) provide their users with integrated bots that were made in order to assist people during the process of online shopping or booking.

So your web audience is already familiar with such a futuristic way of talking. All in all, this step seems to be helpful both for the owners of eCommerce sites and their customers!

Artificial Intelligence

To begin with, today's artificial intelligence is on a new level, as it is quite fun and useful for online shoppers. We all know about Apple’s Siri, Android’s Galaxy, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana and, of course, the Assistant provided by Google.

As it has already been said, people got used to the conversations with different machines… That is why all the huge and popular corporations have their own intelligent helpers. Don’t you think that it will also impact eCommerce? Just imagine that your potential customer asks their assistant to show some products or services, so various assistants will help people in different ways.

With it, Echo will certainly default one to the products and reviews listed on Amazon and Google Home will show you the top results on the search page!

The owners of the websites with eCommerce integration definitely have to keep an eye on the changes made in the world of artificial intelligence and be ready to quickly adapt.

Don’t forget about personalization and customization

In our days the amount of available data progressively lets different content, products, services or ads to be introduced to the right shoppers and in a very time with the help of social networks. Without a doubt, it is also comfortable for sellers as well as for the customers, so be sure that the ongoing sophistication of customization process will be quite popular in this year!



Plus real-time customization

In addition to the previous theme, keep in mind real-time customization as this process in another trendy thing in the world of eCommerce in 2017!

In order to increase the volume of sales and improve the customer service by itself, the online and in-store shopping experience will be even more flexible! This new technique will be able to adapt to each client individually and in a real time.

People prefer same day delivery

Talking about the preferences of online shoppers, this year will certainly bring us the rise of same day delivery and the increasing of local drop-off points for various online orders.

Now almost 30% of online shoppers are ready to pay some extra money in order to get the desired items the same day that they made their orders.

Needless to say, the owners of web stores absolutely need to think twice about their delivery services and make them not only comfortable but also the fast ones!

Loyalty schemes for customers

Customer loyalty is the next aspect you should remember about!



Still, remember about networks

Although now we are talking about some newest things that make recent trends in this year, don’t forget about the popular networks! All in all, social media is still an inherent part of every modern person’s life. Let’s go back to the statistics!

1- More than 30% of online shoppers still prefer making a purchase from some social media networks, such as: Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.

2- Then 20% of people say that they would be likely to order something from Facebook, 17% prefer Pinterest, 14% use Instagram for online shopping, 12% like Twitter and only 10% get their items from Snapchat.



3- Another interesting fact what may be also helpful for the owners of the web stores: men are more likely than woman purchase with the help of Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram!

Online shopping will be even more popular

As it was written in the beginning of this post, the number of online shoppers is increasing every day! The bigger part of Americans think that online shopping is the best and the most comfortable way to shop, so people spend nearly 40% of their budget online.

Web stores are at the height of their fame right now and imagine the situation by the next year!

P.S. All the gorgeous examples of the eCommerce themes shown in this article were presented by inspiring TemplateMonster, which today has more than 24 000 of wonderful premium templates for any type of online business. Just click here if you would like to see more beautiful website themes! What is more, TM provide all of its users with free 24/7 technical support! Would you like to get more information? In this case, feel free to visit TemplateMonster Service Center to get more details or a professional consultation about transforming your ideas into a powerful and unique website of your dream, as the company provides one with the templates customization.

Still need more info? In addition, don’t forget to check their YouTube channel, and learn more things about an eCommerce website creation, CMS using guides, different thematic templates review and other supporting information that will definitely help you to stay inimitable.

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