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7 Lovely One-Product Selling Ecommerce Websites for Inspiration

Many companies want to stick to what they do best. They are known for selling just their one, single product. New startups and businesses need to focus on making their first and single product successful, just like Coca-Cola.

From the 1880's until the 1950's, it took Coca-Cola 70 years until it was truly a recognized brand. New start-up businesses should start with a single product to show investors how it can be acquired and sold in the market. The main principle of designing a single product eCommerce website to make it all visual and visible.

For buyers, the only interesting part they see is what they want to buy. They are not interested in knowing about your hard work, marketing strategies, the people involved, or your business' history. They want to see what is on the shelf.

You don’t have to be super creative to build a website for a single product. A simple, neat design works perfectly as we see in the examples below.

We rarely see an eCommerce website that sells a single product. It is easy to design them with a cleaner look. The simple and effective design has more potential to convert into more sales.

After viewing these examples of real single product eCommerce websites, which design aspect would you like to adapt to make a well-made layout?

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  • You should include the getFlawless products as well. They have multiple, but stick to one-product-per-website. It is pretty cool.

  • P A Jard

    what template is used on the Magic Bullet website you sight in this article?