8 Best Responsive Themes and Templates for Brewery Websites
Beer is the most favorite drink of people across the world. A good beer always unites people. The history of beer is as old as the human civilization itself. According to historians and archaeologists, the history of beer or ale dates back to almost 7000 years ago. The evidence of the use of beer was found in an artifact aged 6000 years from the region of Sumeria located in modern day Iraq. When archaeologists traced the impact of beer on civilization they came to know that many communities centered on beer and used it as an important factor to make them stay together. Even today, beer is an important part of many cultures, actually some cultures were formulated around beer.
The beer is a way for a lot of people, to forget the unhappy moments of life and the times they don’t want to remember. Many people drink beer to be happy and forget sadness. Aside from eradicating sadness the beer or ale is useful medically too. The beer consumption aids in digestion process too. The beer will be helpful with stress and anxiety. The beer can be helpful against type 2 Diabetes. It may sound awkward, but the beer can also be useful against Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases. Due to increased silicon factor in beer, consuming a moderate amount of beer can make your bones stronger. Opposed to the established myth of diluted brain after drinking, medical research showed that after drinking beer you may become more creative as compared to the creative abilities while being sober. The beer consumption can also be helpful in running heart healthily. The beer may prevent some types of cancers and may polish your teeth. So, overall the beer is a good choice for being healthy too.
The beer and brewery business is an amazing business with a lot of potentials especially if you are yourself beer lover too. Packaging and distributing of beer has always been a challenge for beer producers but with the world becoming a global village thanks to the internet, finding your customers and enthusiast of your brewery from other parts of the world is not difficult at all. The brewery websites are all over the internet. The only thing which may sound like a challenge is creating a feature-filled yet attractive website to attract the casual visitors of your brewery website and make them your worthy customers.
Fortunately, there are many ecommerce content management systems available to cater your need for a good website with thousands of templates available for multiple sub-categories of online business. There are various templates available across multiple ecommerce platforms specially crafted for the brewery website. But the question which arises here is which template would be useful to cater to the business requirements efficiently while being impressive visually. Anybody would want to have the best possible website which is beautiful yet works efficiently.
Well, we have the solution for this issue as we have hand-picked some best responsive themes across all ecommerce platforms for your brewery website. These would make your online beer store website admirable by users due to its impressive layout and enhanced user experience.
HomeBrew - Brewery OpenCart Responsive Ecommerce Theme
This multi-featured and elegant looking, Homebrew OpenCart theme possesses multiple functionalities to aid visitors while browsing on brewery products website to find their desired products.This responsive theme can fit into any display because of having a flexible layout, images, and text which can be viewed on any gadget without any problem. This elegant OpenCart theme comes with the MegaMenu option which gives your website a more sophisticated look and helps the user to navigate through various products. This theme includes newsletter subscription pop-up and lets you add product badges with the product to let your visitors know about the current status of the product. This theme also provides the function of Ajax search which is really useful to assist the users in finding the right product on the website.
This theme is WPML ready which means your content can be translated into multiple languages which would help you to address various people across the world. This theme also supports multiple currency options. Furthermore, this theme lets you integrate your website with the largest social media network through Facebook like option widget. The Homebrew theme is a good match for brewery products website.
This is OpenCart template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.HomeBrew - Brewery OpenCart Responsive Ecommerce Theme
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HomeBrew - Brewery OpenCart Responsive Ecommerce Theme
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Brewhouse - Responsive Joomla Template For Brewery Ecommerce store
The Brew House Joomla template is an amazing power packed theme for the brewery products website which would make a sudden impact on the visitor and urge them to do business with you. This featured theme includes many amazing features to make a brewery products website fully functional with the enhanced user experience.This responsive Joomla theme is scalable to any display without affecting the layout of the website. It comes with the stunning parallax effect to make a better impact visually on the mind of users. This theme lets you add additional page and content of multiple according to your choice and business requirements. This theme lets the user login through multiple social media links thus making a stronger bond with visitors. It gives you the freedom of choosing theme color as per your choice with the option of theme color switcher.
This theme comes with lazy load effect which lets your website load swiftly but loads high definition images on the website gradually. This theme comes integrated with Google fonts and map too. The BrewHouse theme is probably the best fit for a power packed brewery products store website.
This is Joomla template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Brewhouse - Responsive Joomla Template For Brewery Ecommerce store
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Brewhouse - Responsive Joomla Template For Brewery Ecommerce store
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Sam's - Ecommerce Brewery Responsive Joomla Theme
The Sams Joomla template is an efficient and light theme for Online Beer and brewery products website which fulfills the requirements of the website and enhance user experience which would urge visitors to make a purchase on your website.
This responsive Joomla theme makes the website to fit in any display without affecting layout, images or text easily. Along with functionality, your website should be visually attractive to impress visitors and convert them into worthy customers. To provide users with easy navigation on the website this theme comes with the MEGAMENU option which would enhance user experience and let the users find their desired products.
This theme lets you choose the color according to your choice with the theme color change option. This theme includes an advanced search option which would let the user find exactly the product they want without any problem. This theme also comes with the commenting system and contact form features to enhance interaction with users. This beautiful Joomla theme can be the best choice for online beer store website with enhanced functionalities.
This is Joomla template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Sam's - Ecommerce Brewery Responsive Joomla Theme
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Sam's - Ecommerce Brewery Responsive Joomla Theme
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Zemez - Ecommerce Brewery Responsive Joomla Theme
The Zemez Joomla template is a highly functional template for brewery product and beer store website which includes multiple power packed features to provide you with the best designed and fully functional online beer store website.
This responsive theme is able to rescale its layout, images, and text accordingly with any display of any gadget regardless of the size of the display. The website with this template would be accessible on any browser due to its cross-browser compatibility. The theme provides you with the freedom of adding UI elements and content types according to your choice and site requirements. This theme lets you add multiple additional pages to your site as per business requirements.
Furthermore, this amazing theme comes equipped with Google fonts which lets you choose the font for your website from over 500+ fonts. This Zemez Joomla theme also provides social media login, theme color switcher and amazing slider option to give you a kick-start for your online beer and brewery products website.
This is Joomla template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Zemez - Ecommerce Brewery Responsive Joomla Theme
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Zemez - Ecommerce Brewery Responsive Joomla Theme
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Beer Brewing - Responsive Ecommerce OpenCart Theme for brewery store
The Beer Brewing Joomla template is a nice looking theme with multiple features to make your online beer store and brewery store website an impressive and fully functional website with the best possible layout.
This responsive Joomla theme would rescale itself accordingly with the display of device it is being viewed on regardless of the size of the display without affecting the layout, text, and images. This theme is built on bootstrap which means it requires no0 additional coding for being responsive. This theme includes an efficient slider which would enable you to showcase your special products swiftly. This theme allows you to create a Website which would support multiple languages and multiple currencies.
This great Joomla theme allows the users to view various categories in list or grid formats as per their choice. This theme is also equipped with drop down cart and multiple other amazing features to provide you with the online beer store website you fancy about.
This is OpenCart template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Beer Brewing - Responsive Ecommerce OpenCart Theme for brewery store
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Beer Brewing - Responsive Ecommerce OpenCart Theme for brewery store
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Curtis - Joomla Theme For Ecommerce Brewery Shop
The Curtis is an elegant looking Joomla template for online beer store website which comes with a powerful feature to make an efficient and functional website with the sophisticated layout.
This responsive Joomla theme is able to rescale its layout to fit into any display of any size. This theme is cross-browser compatible which means the website can be viewed on any browser regardless of the version of the browser. This theme is powered by Google fonts which lets you choose suitable fonts for your website from over 600+ fonts. This theme comes integrated with Google maps which would let your user know about your nearest outlets. This theme has made website navigation easier with themes like Dropdown Menu, back to top button and sortable gallery.
This Curtis Joomla theme pretty much contains everything which you would want in your beer store website to ease your users while visiting your website and attract casual visitors.
This is Joomla template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Curtis - Joomla Theme For Ecommerce Brewery Shop
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Curtis - Joomla Theme For Ecommerce Brewery Shop
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Pub - Responsive Brewery Joomla Template For Ecommerce
The Premium Beer is amazing Joomla template especially crafted for the purpose to make online beer store website which comes equipped with some powerful features. This responsive Joomla theme is scalable according to the display of any size of any gadget.
This stunning Joomla theme is powered with an animated portfolio with multiple filters to give an easy way to navigate on the website and it gives mesmerizing look to the website. This theme lets you add pages of custom type to your website. This theme also provides the feature of customized content modules which would give you the freedom to add content as per your choice and requirements.
Its advanced navigation let users navigate easily on the website to search their desired products easily. This theme also provides users with the ability to express their opinion with the feature of the advanced commenting system. Overall, it is a good theme for online beer store website which would be stunning and highly functional as well.
This is Joomla template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Pub - Responsive Brewery Joomla Template For Ecommerce
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Pub - Responsive Brewery Joomla Template For Ecommerce
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Magnificent Beer - Pub Joomla Theme For Ecommerce
The elegant and efficient Magnificent Beer Joomla template is developed with exactly keep the online beer and brewery products store website in mind. This theme is powered with highly functional features to make a website better from every aspect.
This theme lets you connect with your users with the help of multiple forms like Contact form, login form, user registration and subscription form. This theme lets you change appearance of your website any time with advanced theme customization and alternative model layouts. This Responsive theme is scalable and cross-browser compatible. Magnificent Beer theme comes with Google web fonts and Google maps too.
This theme is a combination of elegance and power with its stunning looks and great features. The user will feel most comfortable and at ease while navigating on website and searching for their desired product with features like advanced search and sortable gallery. They can even leave comments if they want to express their opinion through advanced commenting system. The Magnificent Beer Joomla theme is a best fit for online beer store website.
This is Joomla template – Get it customized for ANY shopping cart.Magnificent Beer - Pub Joomla Theme For Ecommerce
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Magnificent Beer - Pub Joomla Theme For Ecommerce
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